Damodar Vally Corporation Recruitment 2021 -Apply for 46 Vacancies: Damodar Vally Corporation abbreviated as DVC is an Indian government organization, operating the Damodar River valley. This valley is situated in West Bengal and Jharkhand states in India. Recently DVC has been initiated its recruitment process by releasing the official notification. DVC invites applications from the eligible candidates willing to join Damodar Vally Corporation as medical officers. It is a good opportunity for the candidates who completed MBBS. This is a walk-in-interview job. Desirous candidates meeting the qualification criteria may appear in the interview. The other essential information likes organization, age limit, and relaxation, pay scale is given below.
Organization Name: Damodar Vally Corporation
Official Website: www.dvc.gov.in
Total Number of Post:46
Name of the Post: General Duty Medical Officers
Qualification: MBBC with one year experience after internship
Job Category: Contractual
Location: West Bengala, Jharkhand
Starting date of application: 14/09/2021
Eligibility Criteria For Damodar valley recruitment 2021:
Educational Qualification: Candidates need to fulfill the following qualification requirement Damodar Vally Corporation.
Criteria 1-Candidates must have acquired MBBS from a government-recognized medical council of India.
Criteria 2-Minimum one year experience after an internship is necessary to apply for this post.
Age limit & Relaxation: Candidates’ age should not be cross the limit of 62 years to apply for this post.
How To Apply: Eligible and interested candidates can apply in the prescribed application format obtained on the official website on 14/09/2021. The official website is detailed with all the necessary information and updates. So The eligible and interested candidates are requested to check the official website.
Selection Process: This is a walk-in-interview job. So the candidates will be selected on the basis of their interview performance and skill test. Willing candidates meeting the qualification criteria may appear in the interview with all testimonials as mentioned in the detailed advertisement. Candidates are requested to visit the official website www.dvc.gov.in.
Payscale: Selected candidates will receive rupees 83500 as a monthly honorarium.
Important Links:
Official Notification
Official Website
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