Karnataka High Court Oath Commissioner Recruitment 2020: A recruitment notification has been published by the High Court of Karnataka, Under State Government of Karnataka to hire a total of 851 posts of Oath Commissioner. Qualified candidates can send the online application through the official website of Karnataka High Court which is www.karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in. The last date for applying online is 07/02/2020. The candidates will be placed for a period of 3 years and the period may be extended for a period till the completion of the practice of Seven years. Candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible for Vacancy in Karnataka High Court to avoid the Lat minute rush. More information about Karnataka High Court Oath Commissioner Recruitment 2020 like Age Limit, Qualification, Selection Process, apply procedure, Application fee, etc are given below.
Karnataka High Court Oath Commissioner Recruitment 2020 Details
Name of the Organisation: High of Karnataka
Official Website: www.karnatakajudiciary.nic.in
Advertisement no.: LCA.I/18/2020(OC-2020)
Advertisement date: 09/01/2020
Total Number of Post: 851 posts
Name of The Post: Oath Commissioner
Qualification: Practicing Advocate
Age limit: less than 35 years
Apply Mode: Online
Last date: 07/02/2020
Job Category: State Government Job
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Eligibility Criteria for Karnataka High Court Recruitment 2020 – Apply for Oath Commissioner
Qualification: Candidates must an Advocate with practicing for more than 02 years and less than 04 years as on 07/02/2020 in order to apply for the post.
Age Limit: Applicant’s age must not be more than 35 years as on the last date of applying.
Relaxation: Not specified on the notification.
Selection Procedure: Karnataka High Court will select the candidates by their experience and career details.
How to Apply for Karnataka High Court Oath Commissioner Recruitment 2020
Candidates need to register their name with valid Email ID & Mobile number through www.karnatakajudiciary.nic.in. Karnataka High Court will notify the applicant via the Email ID and Mobile so its important to be validated. After registration, candidates can fill up the application form. The system will generate Registration / Acknowledgement slip candidates. Candidates need to take a print out of the Application form and submit it to the concerned Principal District & Sessions Judge of that District.
Needed Document
1. Passport size photograph
2. Signature
3. Enrollment Certificate
4. Proof of Identity card issued Bar Council
5. SSLC or Equivalent Certificate showing the date of birth
Application Fee:
Noting specified on the official notification
Important Date:
Last date for submission- 07/02/2020
Important Liks |
Official Recruitment Notification |
Apply Online |
Official Website |
Disclaimer: eJobTime.com is an online service to provide intimations of the latest recruitment in various fields. We are not a recruiting agency. We collect the content from our various sources to keep the job seekers updated. Hence Job Seekers are advised to access the official notifications from the websites of the recruiting authority in order to know their eligibility and other necessary details.