The recruitment board of Kolkata police has published a notification for hiring fresher aspirants in 300 vacant posts of the Driver in the Kolkata police departments in various places. Job seekers that are eligible and willing to make their career in the police department this is a golden opportunity for them to move ahead in life. And achieve success in career. The job of Kolkata police is a prestigious job option in west Bengals government jobs category,
This is the profession that helps candidates who wished to serve the nation and do something for the society, for the general people of the nation. Also, it offers adventures thrill to life as well as the satisfaction of doing something for the country which is worth the price. So all the willing and eligible aspirants are suggested to fill the application form without any further delay. Do not miss this opportunity, Coordinate with us, and read the post carefully to know more about this.
Details of the posts and eligibility criteria of Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017
Office of the Commissioner of Police published recruitment notice For engagement of Driver through an Interview and Driving Test purely on contractual basis for a period of 01 (one) year from the date of joining. There are a total of 300 vacant posts for the driver in various departments of Kolkata police, they are explained in detail.
Academic qualification needed for applying in the posts:
All the aspirants who have completed the education of standard 8th from any recognized schools or board are eligible to try their fortune in this category of job vacancy 300 posts of the driver in Kolkata police department. Also, there is a criterion of application for this job. That is a technical qualification, willing candidates have to have a valid transport license issued by the government authority.
Salary for the selected candidates:
Those lucky candidates who will be selected will receive a monthly salary of 11,500/- rupees.
Age limit:
For this, the government has fixed a specific age limit which requires an assessment, only those candidates who are in this particular age range can apply for this job. That’s the specific age limit 21 Years to 40 Years as on 01.01.2017.
Sorting method:
The appropriate candidates will be selected by way of driving test, educational merit as well as the personal interview. Also, medical test Characters and predictions will be verified and tested.
How to apply for Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017:
Let us now know how to send requests for the specific driver’s work, the request must be sent in the same way as provided in the Official Notification, No other separate application will be accepted. You will receive the request form from the Kolkata policies Official Website.
√ Official Website >> CLICK HERE
√ Official Notification >> CLICK HERE
√ Application Form >> Download
Candidates should send the form to the address of the place where they are willing to apply for as there are various departments available.
The application cost for applying in the post of the driver of Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017:
No expense will be required for this particular work application. It’s completely free.
The information that you need to add to the application form is
Self-attested identity proof photo copy-(Aadhar card/ Voter card/ driving license etc.)
Photocopy of address proof duly attested by the candidate themselves.
One copy recent passport size color photo with the signature of the candidate on it. To be paste on the Right corner side of the application form.
One copy of age proof of the applicant. Also, self-attested by the candidates.-(birth certificate/Admit card of Madhyamik examination, etc.)
Must specify the destination on the envelope of the application form
Notes those applicants should remember the time of application:
- One applicant can not apply more than one zone. The applicant applied for more than one zone It will be categorized as canceled.
- All the same, will be submitted with the application form and will be verified at the time of the interview.
- All candidates will have to submit the application form in the specified zone. in the dropbox where they are willing to apply for the zone.
- No application will be accepted done by post /registered post.
Details of zones of application:
The address of zonal offices are as follows:-

Zonal Office – 1
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (HQF/RF/SB/EB & SCO),
Office of the Assistant Commissioner of
Police (HQF)
18, Lalbazar Street,
Zonal Office – 3
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (COMBAT),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (COMBAT),
247, AJC Bose Road (P.T.S)
Zonal Office – 5
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (SED ),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (SED)
2, Syed Amir Ali Avenue,
Kolkata- 700017
Zonal Office – 7
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (CD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (CD)
138, S. N. Banerjee Road,
Zonal Office – 9
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (PD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (PD)
1, Dumayune Avenue,
Zonal Office – 11
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (SWD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (SWD)
Tollygunge Emergency Force Line
255/257, DPS Road,
Zonal Office-13
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (BHQ/2nd Bn/3rd
Bn/5th Bn/6th Bn/7th Bn/8th Bn KAP),
Office of the Sr. Deputy Commissioner of
Police (AP)
7, Diamond Harbour Road,

Zonal Office – 2
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (TP),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (TP)
18, Lalbazar Street,
Zonal Office – 4
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (SD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (SD)
34, Park Street,
Zonal Office – 6.
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (ND),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (ND)
113, APC Roy Road,
Zonal Office – 8
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (ESD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (ESD)
105, Hem Chandra Naskar Road,
Zonal Office – 10
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (SSD),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (SSD)
Tollygunge Emergency Force Line
255/257, DPS Road,
Zonal Office – 12
The Chairman,
Interview Board for Selection of
Contractual Driver (WB),
Office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Police (WB)
112, Ripon Street,

Candidates willing and eligible are requested to apply for the Post of the Driver of Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017 and also before applying read the official notification carefully so they can fill the application form perfectly without making any mistakes. For further details regarding the job please read the post further carefully. Job seekers who are willing to make their career in the West Bengal government jobs or WB Police Jobs this is the best opportunity for those willing and eligible candidates. This is a government job advertisement for recruiting for the post of Staff Driver in the Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017.
Disclaimer: All the Job Seekers are hereby Notified that they must verify and read all the details carefully. is just a social media where candidates will get only the basic details. All the Candidates should follow the official website and then go for it. We will not have any liability for misguidance.