KVIC Recruitment 2020 – Online Apply for 75 Young Professional Posts: Khadi and Village Industries Commission recently released their job notification for KIVC Recruitment 2019 They want to fill 75 vacancies. These vacancies are for Young Professional positions. KIVC Officers Invite Qualified Candidates to Apply Online through Khadi and Village Industries Commission Recruitment 2019 The deadline for applying for KVIC vacancies is January 10, 2020 (23:59 hrs). Interested candidates can read all the details below and check for eligibility. Details of academic qualification, age limit, and other qualifications are given below. Eligible candidates can then read all the details of the salary scale, application fee, etc. and proceed to decide on the application. Eligible and interested candidates can apply below using KIVC. Candidates can read the official website using the link below for any confusion regarding the details or for further details. To find out more about the Commission, candidates can visit the official website.
Organization Name: Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)
Official Website: www.kvic.org.in
Advertisement No.: Adm./RW/Engagement Y.P./(105)/2019-20
Name of the Post: Young Professional
Number of Vacancies: 75 Posts
Apply Mode: Through Online
Job Location: All Over India
Closing Date: January 10, 2020 at 23:59 hrs.
Job Category: Central Government Job
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Age Limit:
Candidates should be under 27 years of age, as on 10.01.2020.
Age Relaxation:
For age relaxation details described in KVIC Recruitment 2019, see the official notification.
Required Educational Qualification:
Post-Graduation/ Master Degree or 2 years Post Graduate Diploma from any recognized University/ Institute in the areas listed.
Salary Details:
Rs.25,000/- to Rs.30,000/- per month as per post wise.
Interested & eligible candidates (male & female both) can apply online through the official website www.kvic.org.in on or before date 10.01.2020 at 23:59 hrs. Detailed instructions for filling up Online Applications are available for Khadi and Village Industries Commission Official Website.
Selection Method:
Candidates will be shortlisted based on qualifications and experience and will be called for interview.
Application Fee:
For details on fees for processing applications, see the official notification provided at the end of the article.
List Of Documents (Copies) To Be Attached With The Application:
1. Personal and Educational qualification details.
2. Photo Identity Proof.
3. The photograph must be a recent passport size color photograph (not older than 03 weeks), taken against a light-colored, preferably white, background.
4. Voter’s ID Card/ Driving License/ PAN Card/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card.
5. Date of Birth Certificate.
6. Caste Certificate.
Important Dates:
Closing date for submission of online application: January 10, 2020 at 23:59 hrs.
Important Link |
Official Notification |
Apply Online |
Official Website |
Disclaimer: eJobTime.com is an online service to provide intimations of latest recruitment in various fields. We are not a recruiting agency. We collect the content from our various sources to keep the job seekers updated. Hence Job Seekers are advised to access the official notifications from the websites of the recruiting authority in order to know their eligibility and other necessary details.