Military Hospital Jabalpur Recruitment 2019 – Apply for 22 Ward Sahayika & Other Posts: Military Hospital Jabalpur has issued the latest notification Advt No- 7102/Civ/M-3(B)(1)/Rect/PC/2019 for the appointment of a Washman, Safiwali, ward aide, messenger, miter, MTS, cook vaccine. Interested candidates can apply by October 19, 2019. Other details of Military Hospital Jabalpur Recruitment 2019, Military Hospital Jabalpur Job 2019, Military Hospital Jabalpur Vacancy 2019, Military Hospital Jabalpur Notice 2019 such as age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.
The following vacancies have been requested from the eligible Indian candidates at the Military Hospital in Jabalpur. The details are as follows. You can apply for the recruitment of Military Hospital Jabalpur from September 28, 2019, to October 19, 2019. Military Hospital Office Jabalpur Recruitment 2019 notification has been published. And this ad is about the 22 Ward Sahayika, Washerman, Safaiwali MTS, Messenger, Barber, Cook Vacancies. Candidates from all over the state of Madhya Pradesh, who are seeking government employment in the central government agency, go ahead and apply for it before the deadline. Based on the information provided in the official office of the Military Hospital, the Jabalpur Ward Aid Vacancy 2019 notification, the final date for applying for vacancies available, is 21 days from the date of advertisement.
> Post-Wise Vacancy Details:
Office of Military Hospital Jabalpur Recruitment 2019 Vacancy Details for Ward Sahayika & Other Posts are given below in the following Paragraph:
Post Name | Vacancies |
1.Washerman | 04 |
2.Safaiwali (MTS) | 05 |
3.Ward Sahayika | 10 |
4.Messenger (MTS) | 01 |
5.Barber | 01 |
6.Cook | 01 |
Organization Name: Office of Military Hospital Jabalpur
Advertisement No.: 7102/Civ/M-3(B)(1)/Rect/PC/2019
Name of The Posts: Washerman, Safaiwali (MTS), Ward Sahayika, Messenger (MTS), Barber and Cook
Number of Vacancies: 22 Posts
Job Location: Madhya Pradesh
Closing Date: Within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement
Job Category: Central Government Job/ Defence Job
Official Website:
More Job: Indian Coast Guard Recruitment – Navik (DB) 10th Entry – 01/2020 Batch
Age Limit:
Applicants with the age group of 18 to 25 years can apply for Military Hospital Jabalpur Recruitment 2019.
Age Relaxation:
Age relaxation by 30 years for SC/ST and 28 years for OBC candidates.
Required Educational Qualification:
Candidates have to complete 10th (Matriculation) from any recognized Institute or University in India as an educational qualification.
Salary Details:
Rs.5200/- to Rs.20200/- per month as per post wise.
Interested and intending candidates may send the Bio-data in the prescribed proforma in duplicate duly signed by the candidate along with following documents through ordinary post to the following address within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
Address where you may send the application form:
“The Commandant, Military Hospital,
Jabalpur (M.P.)- 482001″
Selection Method:
Military Hospital Office Jabalpur officials are going to select candidates based on the performance in Written Test.
Application Fee:
Through official notification.
Attach The Self-Signed Photocopy of The Following Documents With The Form:
1. Education Qualification Certificate.
2. Date of Birth Certificate.
3. Caste Certificate where applicable.
4. Experience Certificate where applicable.
5. Income & Asset Certificate for EWS candidates.
6. Passport size photo.
Important Date:
Closing Date of Registration: Within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement
Important Link |
Official Notification |
Official Website |
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