RTET Admit Card 2020: Rajasthan TET is also known as the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test, organized by the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan every year. RTET is a state-level Eligibility Test or entrance examination for the candidates who want to pursue a career as Teachers in the Government school of Rajasthan. Every year more than Ten thousand candidates applied for the test. By qualifying the test candidates will be eligible for the post of Primary and Upper Primary Teachers. The applicant must fulfill all the eligibility criteria before submitting the Application form. The RTET Examination will be held through offline mode. Candidates should download the RTET Admit Card in order to attend the examination. The Admit Card will be available on the official website of the examrtet.rajasthan.gov.in. before 15 days from the starting date of the examination.
Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test is a State Government Qualifying exam for Teachers. This exam is organized by the Rajasthan School Examination Board. BETET has a two-level exam which is Primary & Upper Primary. Interested candidates first have to register for the examination first or they wouldn’t be able to download the Admit Card. More details about Rajasthan TET Admit Card 2020 like Download Process, Exam Pattern, Exam Syllabus, etc. are given through the paragraph below.
How To Download Rajasthan TET Admit Card 2020
Step 1: Visit the Official Website www.examrtet.rajasthan.gov.in
Step 2: Look for the Admit Card tab
Step 3: Enter the Application number & Password (DOB)
Step 4: Click on the Submit button
Step 5: The Admit Card will appear on the screen
Step 6: Download and take a print out of the admit card
The applicant must carry the original Government ID proofs along with the admit card. Aspirants check with the details entered in the hall ticket before downloading. If there are any mistakes done with the admit card information to the board immediately to get the corrected Rajasthan TET Admit Card. Candidates can bring one of the following cards
Original Photograph, Voter Card, Pan Card, Employee ID, College ID, PAN Card, Passport, Driving License, Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer, Bank Pass Book with the photograph
RTET Exam Pattern 2020
For Primary Class
Topics | Number of Question | Marks |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Science | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For Paper 2 (Elementary class):
Topics | Number of Questions | Marks |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics & Science OR Social Science | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
RTET Syllabus 2020
Child Development: Concept of development and its relationship with learning, Child Thinking & thought, The concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs, Important Child development & learning theories, Learning and Pedagogy
Language Knowledge: Unseen Passage, Basic Grammar, Shabd Upyog, Language Pedagogy
Environmental Studies: Family and Friends, Food & Shelter, Water & Travel, Things We make and do, General Science, General Studies, Rajasthan Related Question, EVS Pedagogy
Social Studies: History, Geography, Social & Political life, Economics & Static GK, Rajasthan Related Question, Social Studies, Social Studies Pedagogy
Science: Food & Materials, How Things Work, Moving Things People and ideas, Natural Phenomena & Resources, The World of the Living, Pedagogy of Science
Mathematics: Number System & Simplification, Percentage & Ratio, Time, Work, Speed & Distance, Algebra & Mensuration, Geometry, Average, Profit & Loss, Miscellaneous Arthmetics Question, Pedagogy of Mathematics
Click Here>> Download Rajasthan TET Admit Card 2020
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