WBSETCL Apprentices Recruitment 2022: The West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL), a Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Transmission of Electricity in the State of West Bengal, invites applications from Indian Nationals as Graduate & Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 for imparting training as per provisions of the said Act, at its Sub-Stations located at different places across West Bengal. Eligible and willing candidates can apply online through www.mhrdnats.gov.in on or before 11/03/2022.
Organization Name: West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Company Limited (WBSETCL)
Official Website: www.wbsetcl.in and www.mhrdnats.gov.in
Advertisement No.: WBSETCL/Apprentice /2022/01
Name of The Posts:
• Graduate Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)
• Technician Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)
Number of Vacancies: 62 Posts
Apply Mode: Through Online
Job Location: West Bengal
Closing Date: 11/03/2022
Job Category: State Government Job
Eligibility Criteria for WBSETCL Apprentices Recruitment 2022
Educational Qualification:
› Graduate Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)– Graduate in Electrical Engineering (04-year full-time course) from any institute accredited by AICTE.
› Technician Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)– Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Technology (03-year full-time course) diploma from any institution recognized by the Council of Technical Education of the State of West Bengal.
Age Limit & Relaxation: The age limit should be between 18 years to 22 years as of 01.01.2022. Age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), 10 years for PWD candidates, as per norms. Age relaxation for SC / ST / OBC / Ex-Servicemen/ EC / PWD candidates shall be allowed as per extant norms, subject to a maximum of 45 years considering all applicable relaxations.
How to Apply:
The interested eligible candidates are required to register themselves in the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) web portal www.portal.mhrdnats.gov.in within 11.03.2022. Those candidates, who are already registered in the portal, are required to update their details, especially the address, mobile number, and email id.
After completing registration, the candidate will be required to send an email at wbsetclapprentice@gmail.com, expressing his/her interest towards selection as an apprentice under WBSETCL for 12 months duration for 202223, furnishing the following information within 11.03.2022.
Selection Process:
The selection shall be made based on merit (i.e. based on the overall percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination) from the list of registered candidates, downloaded from the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) web portal.
Salary Details:
- Graduate Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)- Rs.9000/-
- Technician Apprentice Trainee (Electrical)- Rs.8000/-
Important Link:
Click Here ⇔Download Official Notification
Click Here ⇔ Apply Online
Click Here ⇔ Official Website
Important Date:
Starting Date of Registration: 18/02/2022
Closing Date of Registration: 11/03/2022
Disclaimer: eJobTime is a site that features the latest and current Job vacancies in front of us. This is not a recruitment agency, we collect the content from our various sources to keep the job seekers updated. Job seekers search the Information and they need to know their Eligibility for advisee on accessing the official notification from the hiring authorities website.