Walk-in-Interview has been arranged for the eligibility for the recruitment under West Bengal Biodiversity Board, Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal. Recruitment will be for the post named Project Fellow. As per the notification/memo no. 981/5K(Bio)- 18/2017 the notice has been published.
The recruitment will take place for the project- Conservation & Promotion of Traditional Rice Varieties (TRVs) with the participation of Place of Interview, Project Name, Date & time of interview Conservation & West Bengal Biodiversity Board promotion of Prani Sampad Bhawan, s” floor, Traditional Rice LB-2, Sec-III, Varieties (TR Vs) Project 01 3/1112017 Salt Lake City, with Fellow 12.00 noon Kolkata-700106 participation of BMC
Interview Date: 03.11.2017
Venue: Prani Sampad Bhawan, s” floor, Traditional Rice LB-2, Sec-III, Varieties (TR Vs) Project 01 3/1112017 Salt Lake City.
Official Notification: Click Here
Eligibility Criteria for West Bengal Biodiversity Board Recruitment 2017
Essential Qualification: M. Sc. in Botany/B.Sc. in Agriculture, with at least two years’
working experience:
Desirable: Good communication skills in local vernacular and experience in fieldwork.
Consolidated Remuneration:
Rs.18, OOO/-(Rupees Eighteen Thousand only) p.m.
- The engagement will be on a purely temporary basis, initially for a period of one year at a monthly consolidated pay, which may be extended as per the discretion of the Board.
- Candidates with requisite qualification may appear before the interview board at the abovementioned
address on the above-mentioned date along with
a) latest CV with copies as proof of
essential as well as a desirable qualification
b) original of the same for verification
c) an application in
plain paper to be addressed to the undersigned.
- Please note that the candidates working on this project shall have no claim for future employment in the W. B. Biodiversity Board. The contract may be terminated on one month’s prior notice or payment of an equivalent sum of money.
- write the name in the capital letter as it appears in the educational certificate of Matriculation or equivalent examination.
- All qualification certificates should be issued by the recognized board/institute/university.
- Before filling the form the candidates should ensure that he/she is fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
- It is not possible to change of mailing address/ category /discipline/qualification once declared on the application form.
- Candidates appearing for the personal interview will not have to admit T.A or other expenses.
Disclaimer: All the Job Seekers are hereby Notified that they must verify and read all the details carefully. www.eJobTime.com is just a social media where candidates will get only the basic details. All the Candidates should follow the official website and then go for it. We will not have any liability for misguidance.